You can contact the Registrar using the form located at the right side of the page or email [email protected].
BC Community Football Association have mandated that all football clubs must use a new centrally developed online registration system in order to offer league play football in BC. This new online registration system must be used by everyone who wishes to register regardless of how payment is taking place.
If you are planning on applying for Kidsport, Jumpstart or setting up a payment plan please email the Registrar.
Registration fees include all necessary equipment, except football cleats.
Deposit cheques are required for TACKLE football registration. These cheques will be returned to you once gear is returned and volunteer hours are filled.
Equipment Loan Agreement: $300.00 to be paid by July 1st for Spring and Dec 1st for Fall if gear is not returned.
Volunteer Deposit cheque: $200.00 post-dated for July 1st for Spring and Dec 1st for Fall.
Fundraiser Deposit cheque: $100.00 post-dated for July 1st for Spring and Dec 1st for Fall.
Should you have any questions please use the contact form and you will be directed to one of the executive or coaches to answer your questions. Reminder that registration costs are tax deductible. We strive to ensure that all who are interested are able to afford to play.
Contact registration office with any questions at [email protected]
2024 Sponsors
Jumpstart and Kidsport Application Information
Nanaimo Canadian Amateur Football Association
PO Box 41028
RPO Woodgrove
Nanaimo, BC
V9T 6M7
(250 )390-2929
Email: [email protected]
Position: Treasurer
# of weeks: 12+
Sessions per week: 3
Duration of hours per session: 2
# of weeks: 16
Sessions per week: 4
Duration of hours per session: 1.5
Any questions or concerns, please contact Football Nanaimo Treasurer for assistance using the form on this page.
All requests for refunds must be made in writing and sent to our Registrar: footballlnanaimoregistrar@
No refunds will be issued for players withdrawing after March 31 for the Spring season, or September 1 for the fall season. If a player registration is accepted after these dates’ refunds will not be accepted once a season game has been played.
All refunds will be subject to a $55 admin fee which includes Insurance, Power Up Sports fees, Bambora fees, BCPFA fees and Football Canada fees. Football Nanaimo is charged these fees the moment a player registers in Power Up Sports and not refundable to Football Nanaimo. If tackle equipment has been issued a $10 charge for socks and a $10 charge for mouth guard will also be deducted.
Tryouts are non-refundable.