
Football Nanaimo EST 1963

Welcome to Football Nanaimo. Our organization has a rich history in the community that spans over 57 years. We were the first football club to be established in Nanaimo and call Pioneer Park in North Nanaimo home. Our administration office, club house, broadcasting tower and scoreboard are located on the lower field (behind Home Sense). You can often find us practising (sometimes under the lights) from early spring through to late fall. We enjoy two seasons each year, spring tackle which is concentrated on development and fall which is more competitive.

Football Nanaimo offers a little different experience than many other sports associations. We heavily involve our parents and volunteers to help with both the games and practises. We often have barbeques or pizza parties for players, parents and volunteers to celebrate milestones and give everyone a chance to connect. This creates a community of people that serve both the association and the kid that play this wonderful sport. Our community-based model is governed by our board of directors and executive. We are an inclusive organization and welcome past alumni, parents or community members to join and give back to a great group of kids that play this great sport.

Our Vision
To provide a safe, fun and inclusive environment for young men and women to learn, grow and thrive both on the field and off of it.

What’s New?
Football Nanaimo is proud to announce we have changed our name, colours and uniforms. Our new name is Football Nanaimo Seahawks. We feel our new look and colours reflect our west coast heritage and our close proximity to Vancouver Island’s favourite NFL football team the Seattle Seahawks. We are excited about our new look and are pleased to offer Football Nanaimo Seahawks merchandise to both members and the general public. It’s a great way to support the association and the kids that play within it.

Why Play Football?
Nanaimo Football has helped many young men and a few young women over the years find an outlet for their physicality, learn team building skills and build strength of body and strength of character. Football in many ways is the ultimate team sport as everyone has a specific function in order for each play and player to be successful. Due to the immense popularity of football especially in the US, many people relate and enjoy the game both live and on TV. Football Nanaimo registration rates are some of the most reasonable in the city in comparison to other sports. Sign up also includes all the equipment your child will need (except cleats).

Recently football has received a lot of scrutiny due to heightened awareness of head injuries in sport. While good information can be useful, in the case of football some poor information has driven a lot of unwarranted fear. As with most anything there both strengths and drawbacks to the game. As the sport has evolved so have the rules and equipment. New and safer equipment as well as new rules severely limiting helmet to helmet contact has made the game much safer for kids and adults. We at Football Nanaimo as with most people that have been around the game, we strongly believe the benefits of playing football far outweigh the drawbacks.

See the links below to Harvard Health and Your Kids Health engaging the benefits and drawbacks of football;
Weighing the Risks and Benefits of Youth Football
Is football safe for kids?

Please research the changes and improvements in the game to make it safer before making a decision. Community, service, teamwork and skill, football builds better people.